My Quotes Corner

Here are my favorite quotes. These are either written by me or somebody else’s.

Change and Growth on 02/20/2012

Change and growth are not your options but they are necessity. One who adapts change will grow faster than one who doesn’t embrace change.

Integrity posted on 02/14/2012

“I am not like that. Everyone is taking me wrongly” – if this is going to be your statement for others, then watch out – there is something wrong in ‘what you are’ and ‘what you think about yourself’.. Don’t hesitate.. sit back and make corrections either in your thinking or in your actions.. Integrity is a major deciding factor on what you get out of your life.

Dead-end posted on 02/02/2012

There is no dead-end situation in life other than real death. In many situations, we may feel like standing in a dead-end road, but actually it is a road with a blind turn.

Our decisions will decide the way we turn – it may be a straight road to success, a diverted road which is opposite direction to success or a U-turn moving to starting point.

Decisions at every situation are vital, so think well before taking a decision & never feel you hit a dead-end.

Past few months I created & referred many quotes in my conversation in social networking sites. I compiled them and provided here as reference for all of us.


There are two reasons why people change – they either feel the heat or see the light. Feeling the heat forces us to change; seeing the light inspires us to change.

Am I changing willingly or do I change only when pushed? This will decide whether I go through the transition with excitement or with resentment. Leaders are those who embrace change before the change becomes inevitable. – Frozen Thoughts Jan 2012


Don’t surrender your life to fear.. Fear is a shape given by mind to a non-existing one – it is like ghost or mirage.. When you run away from it.. it seems to be following you all the way.. If run towards it, it will disappear & you will understand all the time you spent thinking about is useless and waste.


Motivation is like your breathing.. You need it at every moment of your life..


Anyone’s “Net Worth” = His/Her “Network”

Start building your perfect network today, you will feel the difference.

Human Psychology

3 bits from Everyday Human Psychology that affects your growth:

1. When you are proven wrong or your decision is not accepted in one occasion by someone, you tend to think you may be wrong or your decision will not be accepted in next time by the same person.
2. If you scold a kid (or person) for misbehavior/mischief then chances of the kid (or person) doing the same behavior out of your sight is more.
3. If you have more choices, you will bias towards the one which you already evaluated.

Quotes related to Success

* Success is not a single peak point just everyone likes to touch, it is a journey in a never ending upward path where every step can be termed as ‘Success’.

* Perform any activity well with your full satisfaction; Success will catch a flight & knock your door.

* Are you not able to see success when you are working? Hey, it is hiding behind you & checking out how you are performing.It shows the face once you are done the work PERFECTLY.

Life Leading Quotes – for personal & career life

Created by Me:

#1 – In any discussion(or conversation),our mind will accept only those thoughts that we believe true to our mind & reject all others as junk.Though consciously we do so,we will still store opponents message in the unconscious mind & validate when an event occurs.

Outcome of the event may strengthen the belief or shakes our belief system which may lead to change in mind – can be exactly opposite to our earlier stands


#2 – In health – nothing happens immediately (other than accidents). All are accumulation (or deficiency) of very very minute unnoticeable quantity on daily basis, but things are visible on a day which changes our life after that – example cholesterol, sugar, kidney stones, etc. Why don’t we understand this and avoid on daily basis to get rid of big surprises later?

Though I mentioned it as health, this is applicable for any department in life example – career, character, relationship, etc.


#3 – If you want to take a bad name, no need to do big sin.. be a manager.. automatically your name will get spoiled..

i like to share a story of my friend’s friend who is the main inspiration for the above quote.

That guy was a manager some years back. There was organization wide headcount reduction. This guy had 12 reportees & need to cut it to 6. Though he is against this move, but he cannot resist much. When he called people and told them about their departure – that feelings of employee, that feeling of that manager – no need for me to explain here. Repeated question which developer asked is “Why me? You are also part of the process with management & you are biased to this guy.. that guy.. why can’t i stay & send that guy”.. manager guy explained his status and stand on this management move a lot.. but still no believers as the situation is so critical.
After that pain my friend’s friend renounced that position and joined as developer in organization.. he resisted any managerial position there after.. tell me is that is that managers fault of implementing organization policies? Can this be understood by the sacked developers unless they really move to a position of manager? I know still some guys left complain about this event and this manager is in bad pages of those guys..


#4 – Ever you do a task very well after saying ‘NO’ at first, people don’t forget about the ‘No’ that you said & feel hurt till the end. Understand that word has more power to win heart.


#5 – Ultimate difficulty in life resides in hearing a ‘No’ when you expected ‘Yes’ & vice versa. When we are putting a question across, we need prepare our mind for opposite response to what is expected. We are not doing this at all & getting sadness, angry, frustration, etc.


#6 – “Rich gets richer and poor gets poorer” you heard in ‘Sivaji’ movie. It is not because of the fate it is because of the activities they do. If you do right things again and again.. you always tend to get right results hence rich gets richer.. vice versa for poor.. reverse your action in that way reverse your results..


#7 – People wants to impress strangers & want to make new friends.. but they take their loved ones’ for granted.. start impressing from your closest circle that will create ripple effect & pay you back…


#8 – Doing charity to an old age home without taking care of your old parents in home is worthless..


#9 – When you compare with someone do this – character-wise compare with someone having very good character higher than you and try to be that guy.. money-wise compare with someone having less money and get satisfied


#10 – Even a very small stone can stop your vision if it is kept very close to your eye. Problems in life are also like that stone. Decide where do you want to keep the problems – near or far?


#11 – Your silence in a meeting talks louder than the powerful comments passed. “Speech is silver, Silence is gold” My mom tells this from my childhood.


#12 – If two people agreeing in all terms then one is redundant. Conflict is healthy & required for progress


Frozen Thoughts Magazine:

#1 – Never keep any mementos of sadness. Anything that reminds you of a past that’s not worth remembering, get it out of your life. Collect enough mementos of happiness. Anything that reminds you of a past worth remembering is worth preserving.


#2 – Have at least one relationship beyond doubt and judgement, that will liberate you from your worries


#3 – Man lives like a ‘victim’. He keeps assuming that he has done ‘sacrifices’ for his family, for his society, for his God. But, everything that unfolds in his life is the result of his ‘choice’. There are no sacrifices. (FT-Jun 11)


#4 – The proof of the process is in the results it produces. We need excellence and not explanations. We need results and not reasons. (FT-Jun 11)


#5 – While your success depends on what you communicate with others, your happiness depends on what you communicate to yourself.


Quotes by other popular people:

#1 – There is a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient.When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. – KEN BLANCHARD, Author One Minute Manager.


#2 – When dealing with people, remember that you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion – Dale Carnegie


#3 – Here are some statistics to consider about Emotions: People experience an average of twenty-seven emotions each waking hour. With nearly seventeen waking hours each day, you have about 456 emotional experiences from the time you get up until the time you go to bed. This means that more than 3,000 emotional reactions guide you through each week and more than 150,000 each year!

Of all the emotions you will experience in your lifetime, nearly two million of them will happen during working hours.

It’s no wonder that people who manage emotions well are easier to work with and more likely to achieve what they set out to do (Bradbery and Greaves, 2005).


#4 – “Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice” – unknown


#5 – If you perform an activity in the same way again and again, you can expect same results without fail. So don’t blame others for results. This is called – “The Law of Cause and Effect”(Brian Tracy).


#6 – Do not tell me how hard you work. Tell me how much you get done. -James Ling


#7 – When you complain, you give your power to your complaints. When you stop complaining, you take that power back – Robin Sharma

#8 – The future belongs to people who see possibilities before they become obvious. – Ted Levitt

#9 – There are no secrets to success but working harder than the guy next to you, thinking smarter than the guy next to you, and wanting it just a little more than the guy next to you.

#10 – Minds are like parachutes – they only functions when they are open.


Leadership Quotes from “On Becoming A Leader” by Warren Bennis

I liked following Leadership Quotes. I thought I can share with you. These Quotes are taken from “On Becoming A Leader” by Warren Bennis

1. “If you’re not confused, you don’t know what’s going on”. – Yes it is true that we are always having one or the other confusion & we are working towards getting a resolution. The resolution is the one which helps to identify a Leader.

2. As organizations grow larger and as the change become more turbulent and dramatic, the dual forces of size and change intersect to create inertia and/or arrogance. Every organization is undergoing incredible and profound changes.

3. Restructuring and re-engineering can take you only so far. But you cannot restructure or re-engineer your company into prosperity. That takes ideas and reinvention. Thats what going to make the difference, the decisive difference between organizations and companies that succeed and those that fail. Talent cannot be attracted by command control leadership. – If one understands this then he is the great leader.

4. Followers need from their leaders three basic qualities: they want direction; they want trust; and they want hope.

5. Leaders generate & sustain trust using – ambition; competence; and integrity (moral fabric).

6. The important ingridients for leaders & organizations to succeed are Ideas(intellectual capital), Relationships(work in harmony & openness) and Adventure(risk, courage, curiosity).

Leadership & Crises – posted on September 25, 2008

Crises are now the norm, not the rare exception. The sooner and the quicker that we learn the leadership lessons that crises have to teach us, then the sooner and the better we will be able to cope.

Crises test a person’s and an organization’s character like nothing else. Crises bring out the best and the worst in all of us. They raise us up. They bring us down. They inspire us to perform great acts of bravery and heroism—far beyond anything we would have thought possible. And then, in the very next moment, they bring us to our knees. Nothing focuses the mind so much as a crisis. Nothing more wounds the soul. They are an ultimate test of leadership capability.

From Ian I.Mitroff, Why Some Companies Emerge Stronger and Better from a Crisis: Seven Essential Lessons for Avoiding Disaster, New York: AMACOM, 2005.

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